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Bases: BaseConfig

Configuration class for batch processing.


Name Type Description
batch_name str

Name of the batch.

batch_num Optional[int]

Number of the batch. If None, it will be set to -1.

batch_root str

Root directory for the batch.

output_suffix str

Suffix to be added to the output file name.

output_extention str

Extension of the output file.

random_seed bool

Whether to use a random seed for the batch.

seed int

Seed to be used for the batch. If random_seed is True or seed is None or negative, a random seed will be generated.

resume_run bool

Whether to resume a previous run of the batch.

resume_latest bool

Whether to resume the latest run of the batch.

device str

Device to be used for the batch.

num_devices int

Number of devices to be used for the batch.

num_workers int

Number of workers to be used for the batch.

config_yaml str

Name of the YAML configuration file.

config_json str

Name of the JSON configuration file.

config_dirname str

Name of the directory for the configuration files.

Source code in hyfi/batch/
class Batch(BaseConfig):
    Configuration class for batch processing.

        batch_name (str): Name of the batch.
        batch_num (Optional[int]): Number of the batch. If None, it will be set to -1.
        batch_root (str): Root directory for the batch.
        output_suffix (str): Suffix to be added to the output file name.
        output_extention (str): Extension of the output file.
        random_seed (bool): Whether to use a random seed for the batch.
        seed (int): Seed to be used for the batch. If random_seed is True or seed is None or negative, a random seed will be generated.
        resume_run (bool): Whether to resume a previous run of the batch.
        resume_latest (bool): Whether to resume the latest run of the batch.
        device (str): Device to be used for the batch.
        num_devices (int): Number of devices to be used for the batch.
        num_workers (int): Number of workers to be used for the batch.
        config_yaml (str): Name of the YAML configuration file.
        config_json (str): Name of the JSON configuration file.
        config_dirname (str): Name of the directory for the configuration files.

    _config_name_: str = "__init__"
    _config_group_: str = "/batch"

    batch_name: str = "batch"
    batch_num: int = -1
    batch_num_auto: bool = False
    batch_root: str = "workspace/outputs"
    output_suffix: str = ""
    output_extention: str = ""
    random_seed: bool = False
    seed: int = -1
    resume_run: bool = False
    resume_latest: bool = False
    device: str = "cpu"
    num_devices: int = 1
    num_workers: int = 1
    config_yaml: str = "config.yaml"
    config_json: str = "config.json"
    config_dirname: str = "configs"

    _property_set_methods_ = {
        "batch_num": "set_batch_num",

    def __init__(self, **data):
        Initializes the BatchConfig object.

            **data (dict): Dictionary containing the configuration data.

    def set_batch_num(self, val: Optional[int] = None):
        Sets the batch number.

            val (int): Batch number.
        if val is None or val < 0 and self.batch_num_auto:
            num_files = len(list(self.config_dir.glob(self.config_filepattern)))
            self.batch_num = (
                num_files - 1 if self.resume_latest and num_files > 0 else num_files
            if self.verbose:
                    "Init batch - Batch name: %s, Batch num: %s",

    @field_validator("batch_num", mode="before")
    def _validate_batch_num(cls, v):
        Validates the batch number.

            v (int): Batch number.

            int: Validated batch number.
        return v if v is not None else -1

    @field_validator("batch_num_auto", mode="before")
    def _validate_batch_num_auto(cls, v, info: ValidationInfo):
        Validates the batch number auto flag.

            v (int): Batch number auto flag.

            int: Validated batch number auto flag.
        batch_num =["batch_num"]
        return batch_num is None or batch_num < 0

    def _validate_seed(cls, v, info: ValidationInfo):
        Validates the seed.

            v (int): Seed.
            info (ValidationInfo): Validation information.

            int: Validated seed.
        if["random_seed"] or v is None or v < 0:
            seed = random.randint(0, 2**32 - 1)
      "Setting seed to {seed}")
            return seed
        return v

    @field_validator("output_suffix", mode="before")
    def _validate_output_suffix(cls, v):
        Validates the output suffix.

            v (str): Output suffix.

            str: Validated output suffix.
        return v or ""

    @field_validator("output_extention", mode="before")
    def _validate_output_extention(cls, v):
        return v.strip(".") if v else ""

    def root_dir(self) -> Path:
        Root directory for the batch.
        return Path(self.batch_root).absolute()

    def batch_dir(self) -> Path:
        Returns the path to the batch directory.
        return self.root_dir / self.batch_name

    def batch_id(self) -> str:
        Prefix for the output file name.
        return f"{self.batch_name}({self.batch_num})"

    def output_file(self) -> str:
        Output file name.
        if self.output_suffix:
            return f"{self.batch_id}_{self.output_suffix}.{self.output_extention}"
            return f"{self.batch_id}.{self.output_extention}"

    def config_filename(self) -> str:
        Name of the YAML configuration file.
        return f"{self.batch_id}_{self.config_yaml}"

    def config_jsonfile(self) -> str:
        Name of the JSON configuration file.
        return f"{self.batch_id}_{self.config_json}"

    def config_filepattern(self) -> str:
        File pattern for the configuration files.
        return f"{self.batch_name}(*)_{self.config_yaml}"

    def config_dir(self) -> Path:
        Directory for the configuration files.
        return self.batch_dir / self.config_dirname

    def config_filepath(self) -> Path:
        Path to the YAML configuration file.
        return self.config_dir / self.config_filename

    def config_jsonpath(self) -> Path:
        Path to the JSON configuration file.
        return self.config_dir / self.config_jsonfile

batch_dir: Path property

Returns the path to the batch directory.

batch_id: str property

Prefix for the output file name.

config_dir: Path property

Directory for the configuration files.

config_filename: str property

Name of the YAML configuration file.

config_filepath: Path property

Path to the YAML configuration file.

config_filepattern: str property

File pattern for the configuration files.

config_jsonfile: str property

Name of the JSON configuration file.

config_jsonpath: Path property

Path to the JSON configuration file.

output_file: str property

Output file name.

root_dir: Path property

Root directory for the batch.


Initializes the BatchConfig object.


Name Type Description Default
**data dict

Dictionary containing the configuration data.

Source code in hyfi/batch/
def __init__(self, **data):
    Initializes the BatchConfig object.

        **data (dict): Dictionary containing the configuration data.


Sets the batch number.


Name Type Description Default
val int

Batch number.

Source code in hyfi/batch/
def set_batch_num(self, val: Optional[int] = None):
    Sets the batch number.

        val (int): Batch number.
    if val is None or val < 0 and self.batch_num_auto:
        num_files = len(list(self.config_dir.glob(self.config_filepattern)))
        self.batch_num = (
            num_files - 1 if self.resume_latest and num_files > 0 else num_files
        if self.verbose:
                "Init batch - Batch name: %s, Batch num: %s",